Integrates with

Not finding the solutions that you are looking for?

Our team of software developers have years of expertise developing software for schools and districts. Our framework allows efficient development of bespoke modules that are specific for your needs and integrate seamlessly with other Edtech software.

Solution for: TeachersStudentsParentsAdministrators


Browser based applications

  • Fast, clear, simple, tailored to the school.
  • All evaluation types possible.
  • Individualized report cards, customizable per student.
  • Design to the school standard.
  • Differentiation and broad evaluation.
  • Easy to share.
  • Designed to inspire the student.
  • Age appropriate.


Blogs: Looking forward to my report card – Age appropriate designs – 10 inspiring examples of report cards

Native mobile apps

  • Easy group input 
  • Multiple grading options
  • Student exceptions
  • LTI ready

Integrates with

Single sign on (SSO) and roster synchronization

Q-Ed is the glue between your applications. Delegate authentication and security to Q-Ed for a more seamless experience. Roster information is synched between your administration platform and your other educational software applications

Student Information System

Make the student central to your school. Get a 360° view on each student from a learning and wellbeing perspective.

Provide teachers and care providers the insights and tools needed to effectively improve student performance. Out of the box assessments for teachers to evaluate cognitive, social and behavioral aspects of students that are age specific.

Suggestions and handy tools for teachers to provide remediative support to individual students. Class and grade dashboards that provide crucial insights to both teachers and administrators. Seamlessly integrated with other modules like grade book, communication tools, calendar, administration, …

Student self assessment tools and so much more.

Parent and student communication

Not finding the solutions that you are looking for?

Our team of software developers have years of expertise developing software for schools and districts. Our framework allows efficient development of bespoke modules that are specific for your needs and integrate seamlessly with other Edtech software.